home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Neil Brown's ash script | 2006-05-11 | 13.0 KB | 470 lines |
- #!/bin/ash
- # Functions library :: for Linux Live scripts 5.x.y
- # Author: Tomas M. <http://www.linux-live.org>
- #
- # ===========================================================
- # variables
- # ===========================================================
- # linux live flag to fstab, if fstab line doesn't contain it,
- # never remove it from fstab automatically (user added it)
- FSTABLLFLAG="# Auto-Update"
- # ===========================================================
- # user interface functions
- # ===========================================================
- # echolog
- # $1 = text to show and to write to /var/log/messages
- #
- echolog()
- {
- echo "LIVECD:" "$@" >>/var/log/livedbg
- echo "$@"
- }
- # debug
- # commands executed when debug boot parameter is present
- #
- debug()
- {
- echo
- echo "====="
- echo ": Debugging started. Here is the root shell for you."
- echo ": Type your desired command or hit Ctrl+D to continue booting."
- echo
- ash
- }
- # header
- # $1 = text to show
- #
- header()
- {
- echolog "$1"
- }
- fatal()
- {
- echolog
- header "Fatal error occured - $1"
- echolog "Something went wrong and we can't continue. This should never happen."
- echolog "Please reboot your computer with Ctrl+Alt+Delete ..."
- echolog
- ash
- }
- allow_only_root()
- {
- # test if the script is started by root user. If not, exit
- if [ "0$UID" -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Only root can run `basename $0`"; exit 1
- fi
- }
- # ===========================================================
- # text processing functions
- # ===========================================================
- # egrep_o is a replacement for "egrep -o". It prints only the last
- # matching text
- # $1 = regular expression
- #
- egrep_o()
- {
- cat | egrep "$1" | sed -r "s/.*($1).*/\\1/"
- }
- # look into cmdline and echo $1 back if $1 is set
- # $1 = value name, case sensitive, for example livecd_subdir
- # $2 = file to use instead /proc/cmdline, optional
- #
- cmdline_parameter()
- {
- CMDLINE=/proc/cmdline
- if [ "$2" != "" ]; then CMDLINE="$2"; fi
- cat "$CMDLINE" | egrep_o "(^|[[:space:]]+)$1(\$|=|[[:space:]]+)" | egrep_o "$1"
- }
- # look into cmdline and echo value of $1 option
- # $1 = value name, case sensitive, for example livecd_subdir
- # $2 = file to use instead /proc/cmdline, optional
- #
- cmdline_value()
- {
- CMDLINE=/proc/cmdline
- if [ "$2" != "" ]; then CMDLINE="$2"; fi
- cat "$CMDLINE" | egrep_o "(^|[[:space:]]+)$1=([^[:space:]]+)" | egrep_o "=.*" | cut -b 2- | tail -n 1
- }
- # ===========================================================
- # system functions
- # ===========================================================
- # modprobe module $1, including all dependencies, suppress all messages
- # (own function because modprobe in busybox doesn't work with gzipped modules)
- # $1 = module name, eg. ehci-hcd
- # $2 = optional argument
- #
- modprobe_module()
- {
- if [ "$1" = "" ]; then return 1; fi
- PRINTK=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/printk`
- echo "0" >/proc/sys/kernel/printk
- KERNEL="`uname -r`"; LSMOD=/tmp/_lsmod
- MODULEDEPS="`cat /lib/modules/$KERNEL/modules.dep | egrep \"$1\\.ko(\\.gz)?:\"`"
- for MODULE in `echo $MODULEDEPS | cut -d ":" -f 2-` `echo $MODULEDEPS | cut -d ":" -f 1`; do
- TMPMOD="/tmp/`basename $MODULE .gz`";
- # if the module is not loaded already
- if [ "`cat $LSMOD 2>/dev/null | egrep \"^$TMPMOD\\\$\"`" = "" ]; then
- gunzip -c $MODULE 2>/dev/null >$TMPMOD
- if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then cp $MODULE $TMPMOD; fi # can't gunzip? copy
- insmod $TMPMOD $2 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; err=$?
- if [ "$err" -eq 0 ]; then echo $TMPMOD >>$LSMOD; fi # module log
- rm $TMPMOD
- fi
- done
- echo "$PRINTK" >/proc/sys/kernel/printk
- if [ "$err" -ne 0 ]; then echolog "error inserting module $1 ($err) for your kernel `uname -r`"; fi
- return $err
- }
- # Mount device $1 to $2
- # $1 = /dev device to mount, eg. /dev/hda1
- # $2 = mountpoint, eg. /mnt/hda1
- # $3 = mount options, for example "loop", "ro", or "remount,rw"
- # $4 = filesystem type
- #
- mount_device()
- {
- mkdir -p $2
- if [ "$3" != "" ]; then OPTIONS="-o $3"; else OPTIONS=""; fi
- if [ "$4" != "" ]; then FILESYSTEM="-t $4"; else FILESYSTEM=""; fi
- PRINTK=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/printk`
- echo "0" >/proc/sys/kernel/printk
- mount $FILESYSTEM $1 $2 $OPTIONS >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- err=$?
- if [ "$err" -ne 0 ]; then rmdir $2 2>/dev/null; fi
- echo "$PRINTK" >/proc/sys/kernel/printk
- return $err
- }
- # ===========================================================
- # live module functions
- # ===========================================================
- # Create module
- # call mksquashfs with apropriate arguments
- # $1 = directory which will be compressed to squashfs module
- # $2 = output .mo file
- # $3 = optional -keep-as-directory argument
- #
- create_module()
- {
- mksquashfs "$1" "$2" $3 >/dev/null
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1; fi
- chmod oga-x "$2" # remove execute attrib
- }
- # Mount .mo module to destination directory
- # $1 = path to .mo livecd compressed module
- # $2 = destination folder
- #
- mount_module()
- {
- mount -t squashfs -o loop,ro "$1" "$2"
- err=$?
- if [ $err -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "$1 $2" >>/tmp/_mounts
- fi
- return $err
- }
- # Insert a directory tree $2 to an union specified by $1
- # Top-level read-write branch is specified by it's index 0
- # $1 = union absolute path (starting with /)
- # $2 = path to data directory
- #
- union_insert_dir()
- {
- unionctl "$1" --add --after 0 --mode ro "$2"
- }
- # List all modules in all directories (base, modules, optional)
- # and filter out unneeded optional modules (not specified by load= kernel parameter)
- # $1 = root directory of mounted DATAdir
- #
- list_modules()
- {
- LOAD="`cmdline_value load`"
- ls -A1d $1/base/*.mo $1/modules/*.mo $1/optional/*.mo 2>/dev/null | while read LINE; do
- MODNAME="`basename $LINE .mo`"
- if [ "$LOAD" != "*" -a "`echo $LINE | grep optional`" != "" -a "`echo $LOAD | egrep \"(^|,)$MODNAME(\\\$|,)\"`" = "" ]; then continue
- else echo $LINE; fi
- done
- }
- # Insert one single .mo module to the union
- # $1 = union absolute path
- # $2 = module.mo full path
- # $3 = destination folder, where images will be mounted to
- #
- union_insert_module()
- {
- TARGET="$3/`basename $2`"
- if mountpoint $TARGET >/dev/null 2>&1; then continue; fi # skip mounted modules
- mkdir -p $TARGET
- mount_module $2 $TARGET
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Cannot read module data. corrupted download?" >&2; return 1; fi
- union_insert_dir $1 $TARGET
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "can't insert module to union" >&2; return 2; fi
- basename $TARGET
- }
- # Insert all .mo modules, in $2 directory and subdirectories, to the union
- # $1 = union absolute path (starting with /)
- # $2 = LiveCD data dir (with directories /base, /modules, etc.)
- # $3 = destination folder, where images will be mounted to
- #
- union_insert_modules()
- {
- list_modules $2 | while read MODULE; do
- echo -n " -> "
- union_insert_module $1 $MODULE $3
- done
- }
- # Copy LiveCD modules to RAM directory
- # will copy only /boot, and module files from $1
- # $1 = data directory
- # $2 = target directory in RAM
- #
- copy_to_ram()
- {
- cp -R "$1/boot" "$2" # kernel is not required but it's nice2have
- list_modules "$1" | while read MODULE; do
- TARGET="$2/`basename \`dirname $MODULE\``"
- mkdir -p "$TARGET"
- cp "$MODULE" "$TARGET"
- if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then fatal "can't copy to RAM, not enough memory?"; fi
- done
- }
- # Copy content of "rootcopy" directory on the CD to $2 (union, usually)
- # $1 = source
- # $2 = destination
- #
- copy_rootchanges()
- {
- cp -a $1/rootcopy/* $2 2>/dev/null # could be empty
- }
- # ===========================================================
- # discovery functions
- # ===========================================================
- # List all CD-ROMs
- # by using /proc entries
- #
- list_cdrom_devices()
- {
- if [ "`cmdline_parameter nocd`" != "" ]; then return 1; fi
- for CDDEVICE in `cat /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info 2>/dev/null | head -n 3 | tail -n 1 | cut -d ":" -f 2`; do
- echo "/dev/$CDDEVICE"
- done
- }
- # List all devices with filesystems
- # Return empty result when nohd parameter was given.
- #
- list_partition_devices()
- {
- if [ "`cmdline_parameter nohd`" != "" ]; then return 1; fi
- cat /proc/partitions | grep -v loop | sed -r "s/^[0-9 ]+/\\/dev\\//" | grep /dev/
- # blkid | grep -v swap | cut -d : -f 1 | grep -v loop
- }
- # List all disk devices
- #
- list_disk_devices()
- {
- list_partition_devices | egrep -v "[0-9]"
- }
- # List all partitions marked as Linux Swap
- #
- list_swap_devices()
- {
- if [ "`cmdline_parameter nohd`" != "" ]; then return 1; fi
- blkid -t TYPE="swap" | cut -d : -f 1
- }
- # List all block devices
- #
- list_block_devices()
- {
- list_cdrom_devices
- list_partition_devices
- }
- # Try to mount all disks, partitions and cdroms and Find where the LiveCD is.
- # If LiveCD found in the device, echo dirname of it's directory,
- # and leave the device mounted. Mounting is not ro, but without any argument.
- # $1 = directory where devices will be mounted
- #
- find_live_data_dir()
- {
- list_block_devices | while read DEVICE; do
- DIR="/$1/`basename $DEVICE`"
- mount_device $DEVICE $DIR
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then continue; fi
- FOUND=`ls -A1d $DIR/livecd.sgn $DIR/*/livecd.sgn 2>/dev/null | head -n 1`
- if [ "$FOUND" = "" ]; then umount $DIR 2>/dev/null; rmdir $DIR 2>/dev/null
- else dirname "$FOUND"; return 1; fi
- done
- }
- # ===========================================================
- # hardware preparation functions
- # ===========================================================
- # Create block devices to /dev described by /sys entries
- #
- create_block_devices()
- {
- echolog "creating /dev entries for block devices"
- ls -A1d /sys/block/*/dev /sys/block/*/*/dev 2>/dev/null | grep -v loop | while read BLOCK; do
- DEVICE="/dev/`basename \`dirname $BLOCK\``"
- if [ ! -b $DEVICE ]; then
- MINORMAJOR="`head -n 1 $BLOCK | tr ':' ' '`"
- fi
- done
- }
- # modprobe kernel modules needed for the LiveCD
- #
- modprobe_essential_modules()
- {
- echolog "starting loop device support"
- modprobe_module loop max_loop=255
- echolog "starting cdrom filesystem support"
- modprobe_module isofs
- echolog "starting squashfs support"
- modprobe_module squashfs
- echolog "starting unionfs support"
- modprobe_module unionfs
- echolog "starting vfat support"
- modprobe_module nls_cp437
- modprobe_module nls_iso8859-1
- modprobe_module nls_iso8859-2
- modprobe_module vfat
- echolog "starting ntfs support"
- modprobe_module ntfs
- create_block_devices
- }
- # modprobe kernel modules needed for USB masstorage devices
- #
- modprobe_usb_modules()
- {
- echolog "starting USB support"
- modprobe_module ehci-hcd
- modprobe_module ohci-hcd
- modprobe_module uhci-hcd
- modprobe_module usb-storage
- sleep 5
- create_block_devices
- }
- # enable/disable CD autoejecting when unmounted
- # $1 = 1|0 ... enable|disable
- #
- cd_autoeject()
- {
- echo $1 >/proc/sys/dev/cdrom/autoeject
- }
- # Disable DMA if nodma boot parameter is present
- #
- setup_dma()
- {
- if [ ! "`cmdline_parameter nodma`" = "" ]; then
- for DEVICE in `list_cdrom_devices` `list_disk_devices`; do
- echolog "setting DMA support off for $DEVICE"
- hdparm -d 0 $DEVICE
- done
- fi
- }
- # update given line in fstab, add new values only if the device is not found
- # $1 = fstab file to parse
- # $2 = device name
- # $3 = mountpoint
- # $4 = filesystem
- # $5 = mount options
- #
- fstab_update_line()
- {
- if [ "`cat \"$1\" | egrep \"^[[:space:]]*[^[:space:]]+[[:space:]]+$3\"`" = "" ]; then
- echo "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" 0 0 "$FSTABLLFLAG" >>$1
- fi
- }
- # create correct fstab file in $1/etc/fstab and create apropriate
- # mount directories in $1/mnt. Check for iocharset boot option,
- # if present, add iocharset to all DOS/Win filesystems (vfat,ntfs)
- # $1 = root directory (union)
- #
- fstab_update()
- {
- IOCHARSET="`cmdline_value iocharset`"
- FSTAB="$1/etc/fstab"
- mkdir -p $1/etc $1/mnt
- cat $FSTAB 2>/dev/null | grep -v "$FSTABLLFLAG" >$FSTAB~
- fstab_update_line $FSTAB~ tmpfs / tmpfs defaults
- fstab_update_line $FSTAB~ devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620
- fstab_update_line $FSTAB~ proc /proc proc defaults
- list_cdrom_devices | while read DEVICE; do
- MOUNTDIR="/mnt/`basename $DEVICE`_cdrom"
- mkdir -p $1/$MOUNTDIR
- fstab_update_line $FSTAB~ $DEVICE $MOUNTDIR iso9660 noauto,users,exec
- done
- list_partition_devices | while read DEVICE; do
- unset REMOVABLE; unset OPT; DEV="`basename $DEVICE`"; DEV0="`echo $DEV | cut -b 1-3`"
- if [ "0`cat /sys/block/$DEV0/removable 2>/dev/null`" -ne 0 ]; then
- REMOVABLE="_removable"
- fi
- FS="`blkid -s TYPE $DEVICE | cut -d = -f 2 | tr -d ' \"'`"
- if [ "$FS" = "ntfs" -a "$IOCHARSET" != "" ]; then OPT=",nls=$IOCHARSET"; fi
- if [ "$FS" = "vfat" -a "$IOCHARSET" != "" ]; then OPT=",iocharset=$IOCHARSET"; fi
- if [ "$FS" != "" ]; then
- fstab_update_line $FSTAB~ $DEVICE $MOUNTDIR $FS auto,users,suid,dev,exec$OPT
- mkdir -p "$1/$MOUNTDIR"
- fi
- done
- list_swap_devices | while read DEVICE; do
- fstab_update_line $FSTAB~ $DEVICE swap swap defaults
- done
- fstab_update_line $FSTAB~ /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy vfat,msdos noauto,users,suid,dev,exec
- mkdir -p $1/mnt/floppy
- mv -f $FSTAB~ $FSTAB
- }